Recover My Files Data Recovery Software 30 Day Money Back Guarantee

This software guarantee relates to Internet purchases only. GetData products purchased from retails stores are subject to the return policy of the store of purchase.
GetData guarantee that a deleted file which can be displayed in the Recover My Files preview window can be successfully saved once a product activation key has been purchased and the program has been activated.
If you can view the contents of a deleted file in the Recover My Files preview window but you cannot successfully save it, contact us for assistance and if we are not able to solve your problem we will provide you with a full refund.
If you purchase Recover My Files in order to save a file for which a preview is not available and you find that once the file is saved you cannot access the file, contact us for assistance and if we do not solve your problem we will provide you with a full refund.
Refunds are given at the discretion of GetData.
What our users say:
I am a full time digital photographer. I shoot and process over 50GB of images every year.
In four years of doing business, I have never deleted the wrong files, UNTIL today.
Priceless photos of regular folks taken with local celebrities, priceless can't be repeated photos, I clicked the wrong folder and sent them all to the recycle bin. Poof, gone. Not there, period.
Then I got your software. Your software is wonderful and it works, I got them all back, ALL of them.
I am an Adobe Certified Photoshop Expert and I teach a lot of photographic workshops. I will tell everyone about your software and tell them to buy it.
Thanks again for a wonderful product, you saved my bacon.
Jack Dere
Read more data recovery software testimonials here.